Cure Yourself Naturally

With over 9 million cases of COVID-19, India is fighting back to stay strong. Today, more than ever, we realize the significance of a healthy body. While the quote 'health is wealth' was running around for decades, it has larger meanings to our lives now. 

A healthy body is not simply physically fit, but also mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Every chronic disease develops from a small seed in our body. If that seed had been treated at the right time, chances are chronic disease has never occurred. While we rarely go to a doctor for common cough and cold, we must start treatment right away. But the question is, how?

The art of Self Cure

Remember how our moms forced us to drink kadha? We all hated it as a child. But the truth is, a kadha is a natural immunity booster that helps to cure fever, cold, cough, and sore throat. Our traditional Indian remedies target the cause of the disease rather than the effect. This is why they are worth a try.

Home remedies are inexpensive, easy to make, and most importantly effective. Let's take a look at several such self-cure solutions to common health complaints. 

  1. Warm Drinks

Turmeric soy milk and ginger tea are widely recognized methods of treating a sore throat and cough. Their endless benefits are known to all. But drinking only warm water or plain soy milk also helps in calming throat aches and symptoms of cold.

  1. Meditation for stress

Though unintentionally, but we all have a stressful lifestyle. Our sleep cycles are hampered, and maintaining a healthy diet is a challenge in itself. So, to reduce stress, it’s essential to mediate a few minutes early in the morning. 

You can meditate at any time of the day, but doing it in the calm and cold breeze of the morning is more than soothing. Simply close your eyes and try to deviate your thoughts into nothingness. Slowly you will get a hold of it.

  1. Saltwater Gargle

Whenever you suffer from a sore throat or pain, try gargling with salt water. All you have to do is mix approximately ½ teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water.

Saltwater gargle additionally helps in keeping up gum health, and cavities by increasing the pH level of the mouth.

  1. Face Steaming

Steaming is quite beneficial for your hair and skin. It opens pores and improves blood circulation which makes hair roots stronger and promotes face glow. However, face steaming also helps in nose blockage and symptoms of sinus.


Boil a bowl full of water and add a few drops of essential oils, say tea tree, peppermint, or eucalyptus. Cover your face with a towel and lower down your face over the bowl. Inhale the steam for about 5-10 minutes.

  1. Hot-water bag for cramps

Menstrual cramps or muscle aches can be too hard to handle sometimes. While painkillers are not recommended, taking one when the situation goes out of hand is okay.

For brisk relief to menstrual cramps, take a hot-water bag and put it over the affected area. Lie down and relax. A hot-water bag relaxes the muscles and eases the pain. A hot shower is also a good alternative.

With all the above mentioned self-cure remedies, it's crucial to keep a regular check on your health. Eat healthily and fill your diet with a lot of delicious fruits and vegetables. Remember, you have a lot to achieve with millions of hurdles in the way, don’t let your health be one of them.
